Abstracts should be prepared using the following template

Registration procedure

Please click on the "REGISTRATION NOW" icon, and follow the procedure:

1) Click on "Register"
2) Fill in the form
3) You will get an activation mail. Please confirm it.
4) Click on "Create new submission" and complete all relevant information.
5) Be sure to upload your ABSTRACT file(s) to the system (using Upload from Computer).
6) Click on "Submit".

Abstracts sent will be taken into consideration based on a double- blind peer review process by the scientific committee of the PCFM-2021 conference.

The Limit of Submit Each participant can submit 2 abstracts
1 oral+ 1 poster

Payment Method

Turkish Lira
Name of Bank: Ziraat Bank
Name of the Account Holder: KAPSAM KARİYER EĞİTİM DNŞ.LTD. ŞTİ
IBAN number (Turkish Lira): TR 1700 0100 2454 8004 3992 5001

Name of Bank: Yapıkredi Bank
Name of the Account Holder: Mediha KÖK
IBAN number (Euro): TR13 0006 7010 0000 0075 9047 89

Note 1: During the payment, please do not forget include your name, surname and the code of conference as "PCFM2021" in the explanation section
Note 2: At the end of the process, send an e-mail to medihakok@gmail.com with "your full name_registered"




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